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Penulis: Dwi Alfianto, Gisca Nurannisa, Azmi Syahputra, Jun Justinar, Harto, M. Imam Nasef, Metty Soletri
Editor: Ali Ridho
Cetakan I: 2025
Halaman: viii + 124
Ukuran: 14 x 20 cm

We live in and by the law. The law shapes who we are as citizens, employees, and property owners. We are subjects of the law’s empire, obedient to its techniques and principles, tied in spirit as we argue what to do. What sense does this make? When the legal books are silent, vague, or ambiguous, how can the law command them? This book provides a comprehensive response. Why is that so? It is because this book is meant to introduce various legal issues.
This book is containing the analysis of a variety of legal issues conducted from a variety of legal perspectives, including constitutional law, criminal law, civil law, international law, procedural law, corporate law, and state administration law. Therefore, the analysis in this book is quite comprehensive and captivating in examining the current legal issues.